Construction Workers

Construction Worker Mesothelioma & Asbestos Exposure Lawyers

Construction Workers

Job-Related Asbestos Exposure for Construction Workers

If you or someone you love developed mesothelioma or another asbestos-related health condition after working in construction, you may be entitled to compensation. 

Asbestos-related health risks have long been associated with, and prevalent among, workers in the construction industry, which is why workers in a variety of construction and building trades comprise the vast majority of mesothelioma and asbestos-related cancer diagnoses made each year. And while construction workers who performed their trades prior to the 1980s faced considerable exposure risks, millions of workers in the industry today are still exposed to this deadly mineral. 

At SWMW Law, our nationally recognized trial team has fought for countless current and former construction workers diagnosed with life-altering illnesses due to work-related asbestos exposure. If you have questions about your options for pursuing legal action and a financial recovery of your damages, we want to help.

SWMW Law proudly serves construction workers, building trades workers, and families across the country. Call (855) 744-1922 or contact us online for a FREE consultation.

How Construction Workers Were Exposed to Asbestos

Asbestos was for decades the mineral of choice used in construction not only because it was inexpensive and easy to acquire, but also because its strength, fire-resistance, and light weight made it suitable for a variety of building materials and applications. 

As a result, most asbestos produced during the 20th century was used in construction

Given the sheer volume of asbestos used in construction, laborers and skilled trades workers throughout the industry were routinely exposed to asbestos during new construction, renovations, demolition, and even day-to-day maintenance work, especially if they worked prior to the 1980s when U.S. regulators began to curtail the use of asbestos.

Unfortunately, this elevated level of exposure put millions of workers at risk of developing serious and deadly conditions like mesothelioma, which is caused by inhaling or ingesting fibers from disturbed and damaged asbestos. Exposure to airborne asbestos fibers can also cause workers to develop other types of cancers and health conditions, many of which do not manifest until decades after a person’s initial exposure.

Sources of Asbestos Exposure in Construction

Because asbestos was used in an overwhelming amount of construction products and building materials through the mid- to late 20th century, construction workers routinely handled asbestos-containing materials. Construction workers were historically exposed to asbestos across many industries and varying types of jobsites, including industrial, commercial, municipal, and residential construction and remodeling jobsites. 

Construction workers both today and in the past faced exposure risks from a variety of asbestos-containing products and materials. Some examples include the following:

Drywall and Sheetrock

Joint Compounds and Joint Cements

Ceiling Tiles

Floor Tiles and Mastics

Texturizing Paints and Finishes



Roofing Shingles and Felts

Caulk HVAC Equipment

Electrical Products

Thermal Insulation

Many companies produced asbestos-containing products and building materials that put construction workers at risk, and most knew about those risks long before workers and the public. As such, many of these asbestos companies were required to fund asbestos bankruptcy trusts that were created to compensate workers harmed by their products. 

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Which Types of Construction Workers Were Exposed to Asbestos?

With construction being one of the leading at-risk occupations for asbestos exposure, nearly every type of worker involved in building construction, repair, maintenance, and other similar trades has been exposed to this harmful mineral on the job. People in certain trades, especially those involving insulation, demolition, and other work with a greater risk of disturbing asbestos and releasing airborne fibers, faced elevated levels of exposure.

Many types of construction laborers and workers in related building trades faced risks of occupational asbestos exposure, and some examples are listed below.

Drywall Workers


Insulating Cement

Plumbers and Pipefitters


HVAC Workers




Tile Setters


Masonry Workers and Bricklayers

Building Remodelers

Demolition and Wrecking Crews

Studies Show Increased Risks of Mesothelioma, Asbestos-Related Disease Among Construction Workers

Construction is one of the leading at-risk occupations when it comes to developing mesothelioma and other life-altering conditions caused by asbestos exposure. Several studies and epidemiological reviews have made this clear. For example:

A series of reports from the European Commission found construction workers are more than 3x more likely than workers in most other occupations to die from mesothelioma.

A 2022 Italian study reviewed over 31,000 diagnoses of malignant mesothelioma over a 15-year period and found nearly 21% of all patients who had an occupational exposure to asbestos worked in the construction sector.

A 1999 study published in Applied Occupational and Environmental Hygiene found that North Carolina construction workers who died between 1988 and 1994 were more likely to have died from cancer, including pleural and peritoneal mesothelioma, when compared to the general population.

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Compensation for Construction Workers Exposed to Asbestos

If you or your loved one were diagnosed with mesothelioma, lung cancer, or another asbestos-related disease after working in construction or a related building trade, you may have options to seek justice and compensation.

Because hundreds of companies used asbestos in their facilities and products despite knowing about its dangers, workers who were exposed and later developed an asbestos-related illness have the right to hold these companies liable for their damages. This may include compensation for:

Past and future medical expenses

Lost income and future earnings

Pain and suffering

Emotional injuries suffered by loved ones

Other economic and non-economic losses

At SWMW Law, our legal team has extensive experience representing construction workers and skilled trades workers in legal actions that seek compensation for occupational asbestos exposure. This includes claims seeking compensation from asbestos bankruptcy trusts established by companies that reorganized or went out of business, as well as civil lawsuits against solvent companies that used asbestos and negligently endangered workers.

Because every case is different, the best way to evaluate your available options and the potential value of your case is to have it reviewed personally by an attorney from our firm. 

Learn more about your rights and legal options.

Call For a FREE Consultation: (855) 744-2656

SWMW Law is a nationally recognized trial practice known for litigating mesothelioma and asbestos exposure cases on behalf of victims nationwide. Comprised of award-winning attorneys, we have extensive experience representing victims who were diagnosed with devastating health conditions after working in at-risk occupations like construction and have recovered over $750 million in compensation for our clients.

If you have questions about your legal options and how we may be able to help you pursue a claim for compensation, call (855) 744-1922 or contact us online.
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SWMW Law Asbestos & mesothelioma attorneys

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